Transmission Lines and Waveguides by Dhananjayan Ebook Free
Transmission lines and waveguides are two important topics in the field of electrical and communication engineering. They deal with the analysis and design of structures that can carry electromagnetic waves from one point to another with minimum loss and distortion. Transmission lines are used for transmitting power and signals over long distances, while waveguides are used for guiding waves in confined spaces, such as microwave ovens, radar systems, and optical fibers.
One of the popular books that covers these topics in a comprehensive and systematic way is Transmission Lines and Waveguides by Dhananjayan. This book is written for undergraduate students and provides a clear and concise explanation of the theory and applications of transmission lines and waveguides. The book has 12 chapters, which are as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Transmission Lines
Chapter 2: Transmission Line Parameters
Chapter 3: Transmission Line Equations and Solutions
Chapter 4: Reflection and Transmission on a Line
Chapter 5: Standing Waves and Impedance Matching
Chapter 6: Smith Chart and Its Applications
Chapter 7: Introduction to Waveguides
Chapter 8: Rectangular Waveguides
Chapter 9: Circular Waveguides
Chapter 10: Dielectric Waveguides
Chapter 11: Optical Fibers
Chapter 12: Microwave Components and Devices
The book also contains numerous solved examples, exercises, review questions, and objective questions to help the students test their understanding of the concepts. The book is well-illustrated with diagrams, graphs, and tables to enhance the clarity of the presentation.
The book is available as an ebook for free download from various online sources. Some of the links where you can find the ebook are given below:
[Google Books]
[Leon Dems]
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